Why Register?

For full access to the practice exams you'll need to take a minute and create a free account for yourself. Don't worry, it's quick and easy.

Registering allows you to save your scores and track your progress. It also lets us know that these practice exams are actually being used. :P

What Tests Are Available?

Currently, we have the following free practice tests:



American Government CLEP A History of the Vietnam War DSST
Biology CLEP Astronomy DSST
College Mathematics CLEP Business Ethics and Society DSST
English Literature CLEP Business Law II DSST
History of the US 1 CLEP Environment and Humanity DSST
Humanities CLEP Here's to your Health DSST
Intro to Educational Psychology CLEP Introduction to Computing DSST
Introductory Sociology CLEP Intro to the Modern Middle East DSST
Principles of Macroeconomics CLEP Introduction to World Religions DSST
Principles of Management CLEP Organizational Behavior DSST
Principles of Marketing CLEP Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union DSST
Principles of Microeconomics CLEP  

In the end, we want to give you a free practice exam for every CLEP and DSST out there. 

My advice for these is as follows:

1. Take them initially to gauge your knowledge.

2. Pay attention to the ones you miss and read the explanations of the correct answer.

3. Go back through and take the practice test again! We've made these to study with, so keep taking them until you have the information down cold!

I know there will probably be questions about these so I've put together a FAQ that may be of help.

We hope you enjoy these free practice tests and find them of use!